Teaching verb set 4 focusing on stories and roleplays
Target Group:
Pre-Intermediate Level
Verb 4 flashcards
borrow, choose, fix, forget, hold, hurt, need, pull, remember, share, smell, take, touch, try, use, visit, wear, work
Introduce verb vocabulary to students and ask random questions: Do you hold hands? Do you visit the doctor? Have you ever borrowed a shirt? Create a small example story on the board. Students have to write a short story by themselves according their preferences. Students present their story to the class.
Verbs; adjectives; conjunctions; grammar; sentence structure; word-picture association; word-picture recognition; early reading; likes and dislikes
Game Idea:
Flashcard Act Out - Similar to charades or miming, choose one or more students to come to the front. Show a flash card and have the students act it out. Reward the first student to guess the correct answer. This can be used with many subjects like sports, actions, verbs, animals, etc.
Pictionary - Have a student come up to the front and show them a flashcard. That student draws the picture on the board. The first student to guess the word gets a point. The can also be played in teams.