Teaching calendar vocabulary using colours
Target Group:
Elementary Level
Calendar and colour flashcards
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, last month, last week, last year, next month, next week, next year, this month, this week, this year, today, tomorrow, yesterday, week, weekend
Colours - black, blue, brown, green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, silver, white, yellow
NOTE: This board is build up from bottom to top. Make a revision of colours first. Ask students what colour is Sunday, what colour is Monday e.g.. Let students read the short sentences such as: Sunday is red, Monday is yellow. This develops fluency in reading and memorizing vocabulary. Stick the today, yesterday and tomorrow flashcards above the actual day. Ask students questions: What day is today? What day is tomorrow? e.g.. Students answer: Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Thursday. Thursday is red. .e.g..
Calendar vocabulary; spelling; grammar; word-picture association; word-picture recognition; sentence structure; reading; planning; past tense and future tense; conjunctions
Game Idea:
Beat the Clock - Play this game with any flashcards that have an order to them like alphabet, numbers, days of the week, months, etc. Time the students as they race to put them in order. Have them try again to see if they can beat their fastest time.